“The State Farmers Market is an integral part of the food system in the areas we serve, and like the Food Bank, works to empower the community by providing nourishing food. Last year we were able to provide our clients with nearly 2.5 million pounds of fresh produce from the market. Many vendors accept EBT, which helps people struggling to make ends meet access fresh foods while supporting local farmers and growers. Changes to the Market would have an impact on the people the Food Bank serves, and how we best serve them.” Carter Crain – Director of Food Partnerships – Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina
N.C. State University – R 87 – The Keep the Farmers Market the Same Act! Unanimously Passed
“This resolution shows support for agricultural producers and wholesalers, as well as the current structure of the State Farmers Market, in the wake of a proposed plan to make alterations to it. It also requests that the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services reevaluate the plan, keeping in mind the best interests of farmers.
Simpson said the motivation behind the bill had to do with NC State’s roots as a land-grant university and simply requested that if the market changes, farmers be kept in mind.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Sen. Max Hagaman, a second-year studying communication and agricultural business management, said the plan wouldn’t affect the average consumer, but wholesale farmers would be affected.” N.C. State Newspaper

Van Eure, Angus Barn
“Supporting the farmers market means supporting the effort to BUY Local. The Farmers Market has always and will always represent the freshest NC produce that can be found anywhere! As a local restaurant owner the farmers market has provided us with the ability to serve the healthiest and best vegetables available on a daily basis. It supports jobs for our farmers. It has a proud heritage in our capital city and must be preserved for future generations. I am proud that Chef Walter Royal supports the local Farmer’s Market, and I know that numerous other Wake County Chefs are proud to support the Farmer’ Market for their local produce.” Van Eure, Owner Angus Barn Restaurant, City Of Raleigh Hall of Fame
“I’m probably one of the oldest dogs in the barn at this point. Been doing this for 45 years and have seen a lot of changes. The old market was very limited and very small in scale. When everyone moved to Lake Wheeler, it gave everyone access to the interstate highway, which has made it easy for farmers in eastern and western part of state to come sell their goods.
At Irregardless we grow as much as we can of our own produce and what we can’t grow, we usually try to source from the Trucker’s Shed to get the best value.
What some people don’t realize is that Raleigh’s State Farmers Market is the last market in the chain—if the wholesalers don’t sell it at Raleigh’s market, there is no where east of here for Farmers to sell at.

Aurthur Gordon – Irregardless Cafe
Our current ‘Lake Wheeler’ location is a backstop for the whole produce industry as a location where big wheels can unload product as needed. On a national scale, our market is a blessing.
The market itself is almost too successful in certain ways–on Fri and Sat can’t get out of there–if you’re a retailer or wholesaler and you had to deal with the ‘by the pound’ farmers market, the farmers wouldn’t be able to get in and out when you need product.
If the planners change the location of the wholesale market – the way I see it, the Farmers Market will cater to these “by the pound” weekend shoppers while doing away with those coming to buy volume, and those are the people who really help the Farmers the most.
There are lots of advantages of having a farmers markets close to the population, like our current ‘Lake Wheeler’ location. Wholesalers do a great service to the community and it’s a profitable business for the State and Department of Ag. The goal is for the Farmers Market to eventually incorporate more of a local and sustainable market.” Arthur Gordon Irregardless Cafe – Raleigh, NC
My name is Chef Michael Saunders and I’m the executive chef / owner and operator of Just One More Bite Personal Chef Services. We specialize in Farm to Table prepared meals. For over 5 years now I have shopped

Mike Saunders – Just One More Bite
and purchased all of my companies local produce needs from our amazing Farmers Market. I’m aware of the proposed plan to do away with such a needed and influential piece of Raleigh’s agricultural infrastructure. Not only is the farmers market very very important for me and my company but it also a priceless avenue for local and organic produce and goods that benefit so many people in so many healthy ways. To build luxury condos would be so detrimental to so many farmers, businesses and so many good peoples livelihoods. The Farmers Market is a true staple of Raleigh and the farming community as a whole. To see it go away would be such a negative thing to do. To the many people who put such a high value in having an avenue to purchase true farm to table concept foods is a bad idea. I depend on the Farmers Market and so do the 500 plus Raleigh Families that Just One More Bite prepares food for on a weekly basis !!! Thank you for your time. Save the Farmers Market, Chef Michael Saunders, Executive Chef & Owner, Just One More Bite Personal Chef Services for 500 Raleigh Families
Big Ed’s Restaurant
Raleigh, NC
Snoopy’s Hot Dogs & More
Raleigh, NC
Logan’s One Stop Garden Shop Raleigh, NC
I have had a sales career in the Produce and Vegetable Business for over 30 years. It has been brought to my attention that the commercial component of the State Farmer’s Market will be closed by the State for other commercial zoning. I find this news very disturbing knowing the financial impact this will have on North Carolina vegetable and agriculture business. It is very troubling to me that extinguishing this side of our state’s market would even be considered.
I respectfully ask our Department of Agriculture to reconsider the decision of closing this department of our State Farmer’s Market. I respectfully ask our Department of Agriculture to allow these hard working, tax paying businesses to continue having the economic impact on our state’s vegetable and produce business that it has maintained for many years. Sincerely, Bobby Daughtry
“Shared with us a plan recently approved by the Raleigh City Council to develop and change the State Farmers Market in a way that would drive out many of the farmers who have sold produce there for generations, including his own family, and really take away the whole heart and soul of the market itself. Please go here to sign this petition and send emails to make your voice heard in opposition, and support our local NC farmers!” Carolina Self Defense & Krav Maga
Cary, NC
Men At Work Barbershop
Raleigh, NC
“The Present Site of the N.C. State Farmers Market is Perfect as it is. It is a valid destination for Wake Co. residents and other counties whose citizens serve as vendors as well as shoppers. Developers or OTHERS are not needed in that area. Evidence of gardening and agriculture is critical to the health of our community and tourists as well as local citizens need to be aware of it.” Jean W
“The Dix Park Conservancy master plan intends to leverage the value of the Farmers Market for development while it simultaneously removes the actual function of the Farmers Market. It’s beyond dishonest.” comment from Reddit
“Why In World Would Someone Shutdown The Only Place To Buy Farmers Foods!!!! They Work So Hard To Feed Us, And Now They Want To Take T Away From People That Enjoy Food That Has Not Been Processed. Safe Foods. Progress Doesn’t Help Anyone But Greedy State And City Big Shots. Not The People , The Consumers. This Has Made Me Sad And Angry.” Rhonda T
“PLEASE DO NOT TAKE AWAY OUR STATE FARMERS MARKET!!! Not only will you be doing the citizens of Raleigh a disservice, you will be taking away from LOCAL BUSINESSES AND FARMERS! WE NEED AND WANT TO BUY LOCAL PRODUCTS!!! It is also good for our City of Raleigh and State of NC!! Thank you for your time.” Annette L
“That area and that Farmer’s Market has been the “SOUL” of down town for years.” Karen O.